Out of School Clubs                        

 We offer Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club for children of all primary school ages. Our focus is on the children relaxing and enjoying themselves, choosing from a range of activities in a supportive and caring environment. We believe that everything and everybody a child comes into contact with is an educator for them and as such we do not offer formal learning in any of our out of school clubs. Instead the children learn in an informal way through particpation in team games and activities, learn from the outdoor environment whilst letting off steam in the garden or the woods and learn to cooperate with other children and adults as they meet children from other primary schools


Our minibus allows us to offer our service to children attending all three local primary schools in Peebles. After Breakfast Club - which runs from 7am - we will drop the children safely off at school between 08.30 and 08.40, and after school we again visit all three schools to collect the children.

We provide toast and milk / water at breakfast time and many of the children choose to bring in their own favourite cereal also. After school we provide a snack for the children to enjoy when they arrive before they go off to play and have fun with their friends. Many of the children also bring their tea with them which our staff are delighted to prepare and serve up to the children.

 As our local schools now operate an asymmetric week we have the fantastic opportunity to extend our range of activities and outings with the children on Friday afternoons. In consultation with the children we are planning trips and outings, swimming, forest fun, interest based activities such as cookery classes, picnics, BBQ's and much more!