Our Outdoor Spaces - a tremendous resource

One of the parts of our provision we are most proud of are our extremely spacious outdoor areas which offer the children copious opportunities to learn from the outdoor environment and enjoy free and structured play opportunities in a safe place. The outdoor areas are age appropriate and are fenced off from each other so the younger children can play happily without any concerns about the older children being too boisterous around them, and similarly the older children can be as boisterous as they wish! The children can enjoy the outdoors and express themselves freely in their safe haven.


We view the outdoors as a natural extension to the indoor learning environment and make good use of them throughout the year - wellies and waterproofs are always handy! The children have so many opportunities for free play, active play, creative play and problem solving, developing their natural curiosity, promoting their independence and sense of self.

Kingsmeadows Nursery is located adjacent to woods and we have recently purchased an area of the woods enabling us to offer the children even more varied outdoor play and exploration opportunities. All of our staff have now participated in Forest School training and we are extending the children's learning and experiences through this approach. 

The outdoors is a natural educator and we aim to utilise it to the maximum extent we possibly can.

In the words of early educator Margaret McMillan "The best classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky".