Under 3's

Our Baby Room and Caterpillar Room offer a gentle, warm and inviting environment for our youngest children. It is quite unusual for a nursery to have two separate rooms for the under 2's age group and it is one aspect of our provision we are particularly proud of. In addition to the two playrooms we also have a dedicated sleep room for the under 2's ensuring adequate undisturbed sleep opportunities.

The Sunshine Room is where the 2 - 3 year olds have fun and continue progressing through their developmental stages. This is a very busy time with lots going on - often including toilet training which we are more than happy to help with!

In all of the under 3's rooms our staff work closely with the National Guidelines Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland's Children and Families. The underlying principles of this way of working are naturally in the best interests of the children, the central importance of relationships, the need for all children to feel included and an understanding of the ways in which children learn. It is based on four 'R's' - Respect; Relationships; Rights of the Child; Responsive Care.

The very early years are a vitally important time for the development of each individual person and we believe it is our responsibility to ensure every baby and young child in our care is treated with respect and responded to appropriately in order for them to develop their sense of self and their understanding of interactions with others.

Activities for the under 3's are wide ranging and planning is led by observations of the children at play with children's interests being developed and their learning extended through play. The children enjoy lots of physical play, messy activities, stories, singing and musical instruments as well as outdoor play in their own secure garden areas and going out for walks.

We work in partnership with parents to offer continuity of care and particularly with the very youngest children try to replicate the home routine as much as possible, accommodating sleep and feed times to suit their individual routines.
Application Form for Children Aged Under 2 Years
Under 2's Application Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [38.9 KB]
Application Form for Children Aged 2-3 Years
2-3's Application Form.docx
Microsoft Word document [38.9 KB]

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us via:


01721 720175



We are located at:

Kingsmeadows Nursery

Cavalry Park


EH45 9BU

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Contact us to visit our setting on 01721 720175 or enquiries@kingsmeadowsnursery.co.uk


